In an interview with Ö1 and Kurier, Jeremy Stöhs emphasizes Europe's increasing vulnerability to hybrid warfare. Critical maritime infrastructure in
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On January 14, the ARD magazine Fakt devoted a report to the attack in Magdeburg, highlighting the challenges of dealing
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On 11 December 2024, ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer gave his lecture entitled “Propaganda, Disinformation & Extremism - Mechanisms of Media
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On December 12, 2024, Stefan Auer, ACIPSS researcher and expert on disinformation, held an online seminar at Bildungsforum Mariatrost. The
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Since November 8, 2024, there have been repeated sightings of drones over the western parts of the USA. Numerous photos
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In times of multiple crises - climate change, geopolitical conflicts and economic uncertainties - agriculture is an indispensable pillar of
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On November 26, 2024, ACIPSS together with SICHER LEBEN Graz invited to a highly interesting lecture at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz.
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Under the motto “Digital insight”, ACIPSS researchers Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer held two workshops for apprentices at Graz University
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How do conspiracy theories affect our society and what dangers do they harbor?Join us as we shed light on these
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In Folge 548 des Sea Control Podcasts diskutieren Dr. Jeremy Stöhs und Dr. Sebastian Bruns über maritime Konflikte und den
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Radical protests, targeted disinformation, hatred on social media and violence against those who think differently - extremist ideologies are omnipresent
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At the beginning of October, the 34th conference of the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies (ACIPSS) took
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On September 11, 2024, Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer were invited as speakers at the 4th Conference on Corporate Security
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On Friday, October 11, the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies (ACIPSS) invites you to the 34th ACIPSS
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On September 19, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed on ZDF Heute Journal about the consequences of the explosions
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Anti-Semitism is on the rise again in Europe. The brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 has
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In August 2024, a planned terrorist attack on the concert of American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift at the Ernst Happel Stadium
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Political scientist and ACIPSS member Florian Hartleb, who spoke in an interview on Deutschlandfunk radio, emphasizes that the danger posed
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The Frankfurter Rundschau reported online on September 6, 2024 on the background to the attempted attack in Munich on Wednesday
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The current situation in Austria was highlighted in the Servus TV report “Islamist Terror in Austria”. In addition to several
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On August 30, 2024, the Tagesspiegel published an interview with ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner. In the interview, he was asked
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ACIPSS researcher Cordula Simon was interviewed on the WDR 5 radio program Scala as part of a contribution on the
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On 27.08.2024, Deutschlandfunk interviewed ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner on the development of Russian espionage and sabotage in Europe as part
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In the latest episode of the Radio Sverigei podcast, Paul Schliefsteiner and Dieter Bacher talked about the controversial topic of
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The new Pantier Report №02/2024 is dedicated to a highly topical issue: Russia's growing influence in Africa and its strategies
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On August 14, 2024, Paul Schliefsteiner was a live guest on the news program “ORF III aktuell” to comment on
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In the Puls 24 News of August 13, 2024, Paul Schliefsteiner commented on the topic “Anti-terror: Is chat surveillance coming?”.
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A guest commentary by Paul Schliefsteiner was published in the August 14, 2024 edition of the daily newspaper “Die Presse”.
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On August 10, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was a guest on the Saturday talk show Steiermark heute. In the
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On August 9, 2024, the Kleine Zeitung devoted itself to the foiled terrorist attack on the Taylor Swift concerts in
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On August 8, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was invited as an expert on Ö1 Journal-Panorama. In the 30-minute programme,
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On August 9, 2024, JIPSS publisher Dieter Bacher appeared on "Zeit im Bild 1" at 19:30 on the topic of
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ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner in an interview on the cancellation of the Taylor Swift concerts
Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by Puls24 about the cancellation of the Taylor Swift concerts in connection with the arrest of
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Returning guest Jeremy Stöhs talks about his new book “European Naval Power” and the many challenges facing European arms and
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In July, Dr. Jeremy Stöhs accepted an invitation from the University of Siena in Italy to give a lecture on
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ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed by Radio Orange 94.0 as part of the Philosophical Chunks series on the importance
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We are pleased to announce the latest issue of the Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (JIPSS). The latest
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Jeremy Stöhs and Sebastian Bruns discuss in War on the Rocks the reasons why the West needs to rethink its
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Political Correctness, Wishful Thinking and Science. The failure of universities in the discourse on language (Westend Academics, 2024). They answer the
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On May 31, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave a
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On May 24, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave an
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More than just personal protection is needed to prevent attacks like the one on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. A
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Dr. John Sherwood interviews Jeremy Stöhs about his new book, European Naval Power: From Cold War to Hybrid Wars. They
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On May 13, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave a
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ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed by the Austrian radio station Ö1 on the topic of disinformation in the super
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“Die ganze Woche” reports in its current issue 19/24 on the Egisto Ott case and Vienna's role as the “City
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On Monday, May 6 at 9.15 a.m., in front of the Academy of Sciences in the city center, the Constitutional
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Anti-Semitism poses a threat to our liberal society and must be vigorously combated, regardless of ideology, political convictions or religious
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ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed for the article “So Bot Will” in the May issue of DATUM magazine to
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For the 29 April 2024 edition of Monocle Radio's „The Briefing”, Alexei Korolyov created a feature on the Egisto Ott case and its
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In their coverage of the Egisto Ott case, Spain's largest daily newspaper El País quoted ACIPS Director Paul Schliefsteiner. Schliefsteiner
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The espionage scandal surrounding the suspicions that information was passed on to Russian services also has an interesting historical dimension.
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The Swiss newspaper Blick quotes JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni on the extent and future of espionage in Europe. Here is the
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Iraq faces the challenge of relying on strong allies such as the USA to counter the threat of a resurgence
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On the Complexity of ImplementationBy Florian Hartleb - My Contribution The 'fight against the right' is currently a hot topic.
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In its current reporting on the impacts of the Ott case under the title “Espionage Affair: BVT Image Internationally Damaged
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JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni spoke to Switzerland's most-read daily newspaper about intelligence sharing between Russia and the West on Islamist
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Last Sunday, a discussion titled "Spy Greetings from Vienna - The Betrayed Republic?" took place on the ORF 2 program
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ORF Report interviewed ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner for a segment on "Marsalek Spy Network" for the episode on 19.04.2024. He
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The French-language newspaper La Liberté interviewed Paul Schliefsteiner as part of their coverage of the Egisto Ott case and current
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JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni speaks with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about the activities of the Russian intelligence services in Geneva
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Titled "Agents of Violence. Non-Governmental Armed Forces in Southwest Asia, North Africa and beyond", the 28th volume of the edited
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The Münchner Merkur spoke at length with JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher and director Paul Schliefsteiner in connection with the Egisto
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The German media Frankfurter Rundschau, Südwest Presse and Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland published reports with assessments by ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner on
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Jeremy Stöhs critically reflects on Russia’s active measures in Europe. Here's the TV appearance.
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ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was able to contribute an article on Franz Fuchs' series of letters and pipe bombs during
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On Friday, April 12, "Die Presse" published an analysis by Daniel Bischof under the title "Justice often missed the mark
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Dr. Stöhs discusses Russia’s espionage in Austria on morning television.Click here for the TV appearance: Guten Morgen Österreich
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The first edition of the Pantier Report for the year 2024 is now published. In this important edition, Mehyalddin Zebdieh
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On 05.04.2024, Paul Schliefsteiner, Director of ACIPSS, was asked by the information and news program ORF III for an assessment
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On the day of Egisto Ott's arrest, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by ORF for ZIB 2 and asked
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Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by ATV for its news format ATV Aktuell on the planned changes to § 256
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On 08.04.2024 Director Paul Schliefsteiner and JIPSS-editor Adrian Hänni, together with journalist Erich Möchl, were guests of Johann Kneihs on
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In its issue of Saturday, April 6, 2024, Vorarlberger Nachrichten dealt with the currently much-discussed espionage case. Paul Schliefsteiner was
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On Saturday, April 6, 2024, on page 9 of the daily newspaper "Die Presse" Daniel Bischof explored the question why
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On April 2 Stöhs discusses the legal loopholes that facilitate espionage in Austria on PULS 24 News
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On 2 April, ACIPSS dept. Director, Dr. Jeremy Stöhs, elaborated on the arrest of Egisto Ott, Jan Marsalek’s espionage activities
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This book charts new waters in the study of European naval power. It explores the evolution of Europe’s navies from
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Jeremy Stöhs addresses one of largest espionage scandals in Austria’s recent history
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The most-read Swiss daily newspaper quotes JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni on the GRU's covert operations in Switzerland.Here is the link
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Graz, 18 March 2024 - Yesterday's event "Identitarians: New Right or Old Fanaticism?", organized by the Austrian Center for Intelligence,
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In a live interview on „ZDF heute“, Adrian Hänni commented on the latest investigative reporting about Havana syndrome and answered viewers'
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In an interview with Swiss Radio SRF, Adrian Hänni explains how Russia is currently expanding its global intelligence operations.Here to
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The Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies, in cooperation with SICHER LEBEN, invites you to a lecture &
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JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher was a guest at an event at the University of New Hampshire together with representatives from
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The IX. General Assembly of ACIPSS, will take place on November 27, 2023 at 5 pm at the Ludwig Boltzmann
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Director Paul Schliefsteiner was a guest on ORF III to talk about the Middle East conflict, Hamas and other terrorist
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ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed on ZIB about the released hostage video. See the Interview here:
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ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb was a guest at the World Summit 2023 of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichmann
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The Japanese newspaper "The Nikkei" has conducted an interview with the deputy director of ACIPSS on the intelligence dimension of
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ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was interviewed on 10.10.2023 on ORF III in the programme ORF III Aktuell on
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ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was interviewed by on 9.10.2023 on the difficult question of whether and how
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ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was a guest on ZIB at 9am on ORF 2 on 8.10.2023 and explained
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ACIPSS researcher Mag. Stefan Auer gave an interview on the topic of Fake News at Kanal3's City Talks. He outlines
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As part of the "Measures against Radicalisation and Polarisation" (MAGRUP), ACIPSS and SICHER LEBEN are organising a panel discussion on
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ACIPSS-researcher David Jaklin has published a guest commentary in austrian newspaper "Die Presse" on the topic "What's next for the
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ACIPSS researcher Adrian Hänni was a guest on the Swiss SRF programme "Club" on the topic of "Prigozhin, Putin and
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The Slovakian radio station RTV conducted an interview with Director Paul Schliefsteiner on 21.7.2023. (minute 16:45)
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Dear ACIPSS members and interested followers!Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We hereby cordially invite you to the 33rd ACIPSS Conference CONNECT
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The acknowledged expert Caspar Schliephack (MA) is an Islamic scholar and works as a consultant for the Islam Office in
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ACIPSS researcher David Christopher Jaklin has published an article in Die Presse Online on the Russian beheading video of an
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Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed by Puls24 and ServusTV about the arrest of an US miliary officer suspected of leaking classified
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ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb and Director Paul Schliefsteiner, together with Christoph Schiebel, have published an article on "Interrelation and Dynamics
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ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb has published a new article on right-wing extremism in the Russian neighbourhood, using Estonia as an
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2 years after the terrorist attack in Vienna: What do we know about how individuals become radicalized and what is
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ACIPSS in cooperation with LAND STEIERMARK, the UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ and SICHER LEBEN organizes a lecture and discussion evening on
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ACIPSS brings to your attention a special call for papers: The International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence is planning a
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On Sunday, February 5th, 2023, ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed on ServusTV in the Servus Nachrichten format
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JIPSS editor Dr Adrian Hänni was interviewed about the Chinese alleged spy balloon over the US as part of an
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ACIPSS member and JIPSS editor Dr Adrian Hänni has published a book on Swiss terrorist and later CIA agent Bruno
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JIPSS Advisory Board member Prof. Sven Gareis, together with colleagues, designed an issue of "Informationen zur Politischen Bildung" (IzPB) on
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On 17.1.2023 at 1 pm, ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher David Christopher Jaklin is invited by austrian radio station Ö1 in the
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As part of the International Inter-American Studies Lecture Series, Jeremy Stöhs will explore the Cuban Missile Crisis and discuss the
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Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed on ORF's Wien Heute about the background to the arrest of a Russian spy in
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On 22 December 2022 at 1pm on austrian radio Ö1, ACIPSS researcher Thomas Riegler and JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher will
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On 06.12.22, Dr Florian Hartleb gave a lecture on extremism and democracy at the joint invitation of Club Alpbach Styria,
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ACIPSS Deputy Director Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed in the Kleine Zeitung on Saturday, 10 December on the topic: How dangerous
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On December 6, 2022, at 6:30 pm Dr. Florian Hartleb, ACIPSS affiliated researcher, political scientist and radicalism expert, will give
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Stefan Auer gave a lecture on "FAKE-NEWS & DESINFORMATION: THE RIGHT WAY TO HANDLE FALSE MESSAGES" at
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Our ACIPSS member MMag. Dr. Markus Roschitz has received the Archduke Johann Research Award of the Province of Styria for
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In the magazine "Öffentliche Sicherheit" of the Ministry of the Interior (issue 11/12 2022) there is a report on the
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ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was able to share his expertise with a broad audience at the specialist conference New Dimensions
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ACIPSS member and JIPSS editor Dr. Adrian Hänni was interviewed on 6 November 2022 on the ORF programme Sport am
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and intelligence expert Thomas Riegler was asked for his expertise in the context of an article in
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and intelligence expert Thomas Riegler has given his expertise on the state of the new Directorate for
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The new JIPSS Vol. 16 No. 1/2022 has been published! For a brief insight into the texts and topics of
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JIPSS editor Dr. Adrian Hänni was a guest on the SRF podcast "News Plus" on 26.10.2022 on the topic of
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ACIPSS Associated Researcher Aditi Malhotra is publishing her second book, Understanding Security Role Evolution of US, China and India: Setting
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ACIPSS associated researcher Aditi Malhotra takes up her post as Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Army Journal. Congratulations! More information here:
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ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner will give a lecture entitled ""Ich bin ein österreichischer Patriot und bekenne mich als österreichischer Terrorist"
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Thomas Riegler gave his expertise on the organisational challenges for the new Directorate for State Protection and
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and JIPSS Editor Dieter Bacher of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung in Graz gave his expertise
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ACIPSS deputy director Dr. Jeremy Stöhs's expert opinion is quoted in an article in Austrian Newspaper "Standard":
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ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was a guest on the ORF programme "Im Zentrum" on 2.10.2022 on the subject
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"In fact, Russia has maneuvered itself into a relationship of dependence on the Wagner Group and Prigozhin." writes ACIPSS Affiliate
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On 7 June 2022, a prevention summit was held in Vienna on the topic of preventing extremism and deradicalisation. ACIPSS
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On Friday, 23 September, an "ACIPSS Study Conference" was held for the third time at the FH Campus Wien -
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More than 400 researchers in the field of criminology gathered in Málaga, Spain, from 21 to 24 September 2022 for
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Dr Florian Hartleb, a recognised expert on the topic, writes about "Right-wing assassins: radicalised online and ready to kill" -
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ACIPSS member and ex-CIA officer Christopher Turner and Austrian intelligence expert Siegfried Beer made an appearance on two episodes of
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On Friday, 23.09., the time has come again: The 32nd ACIPSS Conference will take place in Vienna at the FH
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"Whoever may be behind it, the death of Dugin's daughter will bring a new argument for Russian operations at home
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„The recruiting network is so successful, that it is also being used by the Russian military.“ ACIPSS Affiliate Researcher David
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On 11 July ACIPSS deputy director Jeremy Stöhs and affiliated researches Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer met with Iryna Shatokhina,
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ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Florian Hartleb was interviewed in a four-part documentary mini-series that deals with the Munich shooting, which took
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ACIPSS researcher Aditi Malhotra recently published a new book on India's security policy and its evolution over the past two
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Recently, Jeremy Stöhs shared his views at a workshop on Multi-Domain Operations and the opportunities and challenges they provide for
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The second part of ACIPSS-researcher Stefan Rastl’s article on the contribution of women in Intelligence Services and Special Forces since
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In the first of two articles on the ACIPSS Blog in Austrian newspaper derStandard, ACIPSS member and press officer Stefan
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There are numerous Russian spies and agents in Switzerland. What are they doing there? A current report of the Swiss
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Dr. Jeremy Stöhs joins the discussion on the current watershed moment in the post-Cold War security architecture and the need
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Prof. Siegfried Beer was a guest on the Ö1 broadcast series "Europajournal" on 10.6.2022 on the topic "EU-USA: An old
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ACIPSS researcher Dieter Bacher was interviewed on 3.6.2022 in the Krone.TV program "Nachgefragt" about the role of intelligence services in
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ACIPSS wants to heartily thank VASBÖ for the invitation to this year's security conference at the Americe House of the
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JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni was hosted by the podcast «Geschichte Daily» of the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and talked about
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In his newest article on ACIPSS Blog on Lucas Schubert is taking a closer look at the use of
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Deputy Director Jeremy Stöhs discusses the challenge of resetting for complex operations at scale for modern high-end armed forces at
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We are proud to present the first issue of the ACIPSS Pantier Report! Jack Gill writes about "Ukraine: From Hybrid
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ACIPSS-member Cordula Simon participated in a debate with other experts in "Talk im Hangar-7" on ServusTV (April 21st, 2022) about
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ACIPSS-researcher Florian Hartleb published a commentary in "Tagespost", based on an analysis by him and ACIPSS-director Paul Schliefsteiner in "Jahrbuch
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At the VASBÖ ISM Summit 2022 on May 20th, 2022, ACIPSS-researchers David Christopher Jaklin and Stefan Auer will present two
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An article in austrian newspaper "Standard" on russian espionage in Austria quotes ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler as expert:
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Prof. Siegfried Beer was one of the guests in a TV-discussion in the "Hangar 7" on ServusTV (March 17th 2022)
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In the online issue of "Profil" ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler talks about intelligence services in spotlight in the Ukraine-crisis:
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An analysis of the consequences of the Ukraine-crisis for the intelligence community and Austria prominently quotes Prof. Siegfried Beer:
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ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Goiser published a guest commentary in the "Wiener Zeitung" about "Advertising Values" at the EXPO 2022 in Dubai:
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ACIPSS-researcher Jack Gill published a new article together with Sebastian Schäffer in the "Fair Observer". They analyze the current crisis
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ACIPSS-researcher David Jaklin published a new guest commentary in "Die Presse" (Online) about "Civil Servants in Camouflage Uniform: Why the
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Director Paul Schliefsteiner speaks about "Modern Propaganda, on the example of a Terror Group" at the 2nd "Fachkonferenz Unternehmenssicherheit und
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ACIPSS-researchers Adrian Hänni and Thomas Riegler have edited two books together with Przemyslaw Gasztold (see below). The journal "Intelligence and
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In the yearbook Extremism and Democracy (2021) we published the article ‘Einzeltäter, radikal, potenziell labil und eigentlich „gar nicht mehr
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ACIPSS held the conference "Seeking Influence and Power along the Danube and across the Balkans" on September 17, 2021 in
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The Journal of the Austrian Bundesministerium Inneres (BMI) published a detailed report about the 31st ACIPSS Workshop on September 10th,
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Behind the dispute about a submarine treaty a much greater and more important security issue shows, says Jeremy Stöhs, expert
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ACIPSS-member David Christopher Jaklin published an user article in austrian newspaper "Standard" about the rise of the Private Military Companies
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The 31st ACIPSS workshop "Emotion(al) - Security and Feeling" starts on September 10th 2021 in the FH Campus Wien in
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Tomorrow Jeremy Stöhs talks about Naval Forces in a four-part ZDF Documentary. 02.09.2021 20:15 Kriegsschiffe: Stahlmonster 02.09.2021 21:00 Kriegsschiffe: Jäger
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What are the long term consequences of the War against Terror? Four online lectures organized by the Volkshochschule Zürich in
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The Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung(Berlin) are inviting selected guests to the conference "Seeking Influence and
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"The New Yorker" and "Kurier" quote Prof. Siegfried Beer in their articles about the "Havana-syndrome" affecting US embassy personel in
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On June 23rd 2021 the new book "A Frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria" by
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Rushhour for intelligence services: JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni talks with Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) about espionage and counter-measures around the
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The Rollout of our special issue of JIPSS „Seeking Influence and Power along the Danbue and the Balkans" will take
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Dr. Jeremy Stöhs and Dr. Henrik Breitenbauch (CMS Copenhagen) discuss the challenges for European naval power and what the future
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JIPSS-co-editor Jeremy Stöhs attended the Regional Security School 2021 last week (18.5.2021). There he presented his latest findings pertaining the
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75 years ago, on 25 May 1946, Switzerland and the western allies USA, Great Britain, and France concluded the Washington
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JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher holds a lecture at the Graz "Fine Crime Festival" (19.5.2021) about "Fiction vs. Reality - Wie
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The book “A frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria” (Budapest: Kronosz, 2021), edited by JIPSS-co-editor
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JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher holds a lecture today (27.4.2021) at the online-conference "Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955", organized by the CAGS
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While an italian navy officer was arrested as an presumed russian spy, submarines of NATO-partner Germany are suspected to be
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ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler published a guest commentary in austrian newspaper "Standard" about the reform of the austrian BVT to the
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ACIPSS-Member Christopher Bott published an article about Russia's Northern Fleet for the U.S. Naval Institute.
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The Navy-Podcast Midrats met with JIPSS-editor Jeremy Stöhs last week to discuss his article "How High? The Future of European
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For their article about the role of intelligence services and the founding of FPÖ-predecessor VdU, ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler and historian
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The new JIPSS Vol.14 No.1 has arrived from print and is ready for distribution!Orders under Our thanks to the
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A new study by ACIPSS-researcher Jeremy Stöhs about highend warfare and the european navies is available.
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Fitting their title story about the BVT-affair, Christa Zöchling interviewed Prof. Siegfried Beer in the "Profil-Podcast".
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In the late 1990, Switzerland was under pressure due to Holocaust money still residing in Swiss bank accounts. A hitherto
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Radio Ö1 "Mittagsjournal" held an interview with ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler on 25.1.2021 about background and possible developments in the BVT-affair.
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North Korean influence reaches to europe, especially to Vienna and Switzerland. JIPSS-Editors Prof. Patrick Sensburg and Adrian Hänni and ACIPSS-researcher
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The new issue of the Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies has been published! Disinformation and COVID in Austria
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JIPSS-editor Prof. Patrick Sensburg published a new article about the BND and the court rulings about the connected law in
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Prof. Oliver Rathkolb of the University of Vienna reviewed the article “Harvard und das Office of Strategic Services. Ein akademischer
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In the issue Vol. 14(2)/2020 of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), ACIPSS-researcher Johanna Fürst and other leading
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In the article "Shaping the European School of Intelligence Studies" by Wladyslaw Bulhak and Thomas Wegener Friis in the International
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The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs published a new article by ACIPSS-Researcher Dieter Bacher about the austrian
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ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler talks to Julia Schmidbaur from the Regionalmedien Austria (RMA) about the terrorist attack in Vienna and possible
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In an interview with, ACIPSS-Senior Advisor Prof. Siegfried Beer addresses his thoughts and warnings about the Austrian BVT-agency and
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After the horrible terrorist attack in Vienna yesterday evening, spoke with ACIPSS-resaercher Thomas Riegler about the situation in Austria.
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The radio show "Moment - Leben heute", editorially supervised by Andrea Hauer and Barbara Zeithammer, held interviews with some of
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ACIPSS-Reasearcher Thomas Riegler describes the fascinating spy story behind the movie "The Third Man" in his new article in the
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In the book Conceptualizing Maritime & Naval Strategy, Festschrift for Captain Peter M. Swartz, United States Navy (ret.) 1. edition 2020, (ISPK
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Asharq al-Awsat, seated in London, is one of the largest arabian daily newspapers and is printed all over the world.
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In September (tuesday september 22nd 2020) the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies was visiting the Haus der
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The television channel Al Arabiya from the United Arab Emirates held an interview with ACIPSS-Researcher Adrian Hänni concerning the suspected
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JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni, ACIPSS researcher Thomas Riegler and the Polnish historian Przemyslaw Gasztold present a new book containing groundbreaking
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The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) welcomed our naval expert Jeremy Stöhs to their Sea Control Podcast on September
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Registrations via
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On 5 December, ACIPSS held two events on the topic of intelligence. During the morning, Dr. Christopher Nehring and Mag.
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On 5 December, ACIPSS organized two panels dedicated to human intelligence (HUMINT) and targeted killings, together with the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institut
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On the 8th of November, another event on the history of intelligence services was made possible in Vienna, thanks to
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“Österreichs Geheime Dienste” (Austria’s Secret Services) is the first source-based, historical account of the Austrian intelligence services since 1945. Rather
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JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher presented JIPSS at the Forschungsfest Niederösterreich (Research Festival of Lower Austria). The number of visitors to
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Adrian Hänni spricht im SRF zur Rolle der Schweiz in der Crypto-Affäre.
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On Friday, February 7, ACIPSS held its 30th conference in cooperation with the Department of Risk and Corporate Security Management
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