In an interview with Ö1 and Kurier, Jeremy Stöhs emphasizes Europe's increasing vulnerability to hybrid warfare. Critical maritime infrastructure in . . .
On January 14, the ARD magazine Fakt devoted a report to the attack in Magdeburg, highlighting the challenges of dealing . . .
On 11 December 2024, ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer gave his lecture entitled “Propaganda, Disinformation & Extremism - Mechanisms of Media . . .
On December 12, 2024, Stefan Auer, ACIPSS researcher and expert on disinformation, held an online seminar at Bildungsforum Mariatrost. The . . .
Since November 8, 2024, there have been repeated sightings of drones over the western parts of the USA. Numerous photos . . .
In times of multiple crises - climate change, geopolitical conflicts and economic uncertainties - agriculture is an indispensable pillar of . . .
On November 26, 2024, ACIPSS together with SICHER LEBEN Graz invited to a highly interesting lecture at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. . . .
Under the motto “Digital insight”, ACIPSS researchers Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer held two workshops for apprentices at Graz University . . .
How do conspiracy theories affect our society and what dangers do they harbor?Join us as we shed light on these . . .
In Folge 548 des Sea Control Podcasts diskutieren Dr. Jeremy Stöhs und Dr. Sebastian Bruns über maritime Konflikte und den . . .
Radical protests, targeted disinformation, hatred on social media and violence against those who think differently - extremist ideologies are omnipresent . . .
At the beginning of October, the 34th conference of the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies (ACIPSS) took . . .
On September 11, 2024, Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer were invited as speakers at the 4th Conference on Corporate Security . . .
On Friday, October 11, the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies (ACIPSS) invites you to the 34th ACIPSS . . .
On September 19, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed on ZDF Heute Journal about the consequences of the explosions . . .
Anti-Semitism is on the rise again in Europe. The brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 has . . .
In August 2024, a planned terrorist attack on the concert of American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift at the Ernst Happel Stadium . . .
Political scientist and ACIPSS member Florian Hartleb, who spoke in an interview on Deutschlandfunk radio, emphasizes that the danger posed . . .
The Frankfurter Rundschau reported online on September 6, 2024 on the background to the attempted attack in Munich on Wednesday . . .
The current situation in Austria was highlighted in the Servus TV report “Islamist Terror in Austria”. In addition to several . . .
On August 30, 2024, the Tagesspiegel published an interview with ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner. In the interview, he was asked . . .
ACIPSS researcher Cordula Simon was interviewed on the WDR 5 radio program Scala as part of a contribution on the . . .
On 27.08.2024, Deutschlandfunk interviewed ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner on the development of Russian espionage and sabotage in Europe as part . . .
In the latest episode of the Radio Sverigei podcast, Paul Schliefsteiner and Dieter Bacher talked about the controversial topic of . . .
The new Pantier Report №02/2024 is dedicated to a highly topical issue: Russia's growing influence in Africa and its strategies . . .
On August 14, 2024, Paul Schliefsteiner was a live guest on the news program “ORF III aktuell” to comment on . . .
In the Puls 24 News of August 13, 2024, Paul Schliefsteiner commented on the topic “Anti-terror: Is chat surveillance coming?”. . . .
A guest commentary by Paul Schliefsteiner was published in the August 14, 2024 edition of the daily newspaper “Die Presse”. . . .
On August 10, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was a guest on the Saturday talk show Steiermark heute. In the . . .
On August 9, 2024, the Kleine Zeitung devoted itself to the foiled terrorist attack on the Taylor Swift concerts in . . .
On August 8, 2024, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was invited as an expert on Ö1 Journal-Panorama. In the 30-minute programme, . . .
On August 9, 2024, JIPSS publisher Dieter Bacher appeared on "Zeit im Bild 1" at 19:30 on the topic of . . .
Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by Puls24 about the cancellation of the Taylor Swift concerts in connection with the arrest of . . .
Returning guest Jeremy Stöhs talks about his new book “European Naval Power” and the many challenges facing European arms and . . .
In July, Dr. Jeremy Stöhs accepted an invitation from the University of Siena in Italy to give a lecture on . . .
ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed by Radio Orange 94.0 as part of the Philosophical Chunks series on the importance . . .
We are pleased to announce the latest issue of the Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (JIPSS). The latest . . .
Jeremy Stöhs and Sebastian Bruns discuss in War on the Rocks the reasons why the West needs to rethink its . . .
Political Correctness, Wishful Thinking and Science. The failure of universities in the discourse on language (Westend Academics, 2024). They answer the . . .
On May 31, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave a . . .
On May 24, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave an . . .
More than just personal protection is needed to prevent attacks like the one on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. A . . .
Dr. John Sherwood interviews Jeremy Stöhs about his new book, European Naval Power: From Cold War to Hybrid Wars. They . . .
On May 13, Lucas M. Schubert, research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and ACIPSS member, gave a . . .
ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed by the Austrian radio station Ö1 on the topic of disinformation in the super . . .
“Die ganze Woche” reports in its current issue 19/24 on the Egisto Ott case and Vienna's role as the “City . . .
On Monday, May 6 at 9.15 a.m., in front of the Academy of Sciences in the city center, the Constitutional . . .
Anti-Semitism poses a threat to our liberal society and must be vigorously combated, regardless of ideology, political convictions or religious . . .
ACIPSS researcher Stefan Auer was interviewed for the article “So Bot Will” in the May issue of DATUM magazine to . . .
For the 29 April 2024 edition of Monocle Radio's „The Briefing”, Alexei Korolyov created a feature on the Egisto Ott case and its . . .
In their coverage of the Egisto Ott case, Spain's largest daily newspaper El País quoted ACIPS Director Paul Schliefsteiner. Schliefsteiner . . .
The espionage scandal surrounding the suspicions that information was passed on to Russian services also has an interesting historical dimension. . . .
The Swiss newspaper Blick quotes JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni on the extent and future of espionage in Europe. Here is the . . .
Iraq faces the challenge of relying on strong allies such as the USA to counter the threat of a resurgence . . .
On the Complexity of ImplementationBy Florian Hartleb - My Contribution The 'fight against the right' is currently a hot topic. . . .
In its current reporting on the impacts of the Ott case under the title “Espionage Affair: BVT Image Internationally Damaged . . .
JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni spoke to Switzerland's most-read daily newspaper about intelligence sharing between Russia and the West on Islamist . . .
Last Sunday, a discussion titled "Spy Greetings from Vienna - The Betrayed Republic?" took place on the ORF 2 program . . .
ORF Report interviewed ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner for a segment on "Marsalek Spy Network" for the episode on 19.04.2024. He . . .
The French-language newspaper La Liberté interviewed Paul Schliefsteiner as part of their coverage of the Egisto Ott case and current . . .
JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni speaks with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about the activities of the Russian intelligence services in Geneva . . .
Titled "Agents of Violence. Non-Governmental Armed Forces in Southwest Asia, North Africa and beyond", the 28th volume of the edited . . .
The Münchner Merkur spoke at length with JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher and director Paul Schliefsteiner in connection with the Egisto . . .
The German media Frankfurter Rundschau, Südwest Presse and Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland published reports with assessments by ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner on . . .
Jeremy Stöhs critically reflects on Russia’s active measures in Europe. Here's the TV appearance. . . .
ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was able to contribute an article on Franz Fuchs' series of letters and pipe bombs during . . .
On Friday, April 12, "Die Presse" published an analysis by Daniel Bischof under the title "Justice often missed the mark . . .
Dr. Stöhs discusses Russia’s espionage in Austria on morning television.Click here for the TV appearance: Guten Morgen Österreich . . .
The first edition of the Pantier Report for the year 2024 is now published. In this important edition, Mehyalddin Zebdieh . . .
On 05.04.2024, Paul Schliefsteiner, Director of ACIPSS, was asked by the information and news program ORF III for an assessment . . .
On the day of Egisto Ott's arrest, ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by ORF for ZIB 2 and asked . . .
Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed by ATV for its news format ATV Aktuell on the planned changes to § 256 . . .
On 08.04.2024 Director Paul Schliefsteiner and JIPSS-editor Adrian Hänni, together with journalist Erich Möchl, were guests of Johann Kneihs on . . .
In its issue of Saturday, April 6, 2024, Vorarlberger Nachrichten dealt with the currently much-discussed espionage case. Paul Schliefsteiner was . . .
On Saturday, April 6, 2024, on page 9 of the daily newspaper "Die Presse" Daniel Bischof explored the question why . . .
On April 2 Stöhs discusses the legal loopholes that facilitate espionage in Austria on PULS 24 News . . .
On 2 April, ACIPSS dept. Director, Dr. Jeremy Stöhs, elaborated on the arrest of Egisto Ott, Jan Marsalek’s espionage activities . . .
This book charts new waters in the study of European naval power. It explores the evolution of Europe’s navies from . . .
Jeremy Stöhs addresses one of largest espionage scandals in Austria’s recent history . . .
The most-read Swiss daily newspaper quotes JIPSS editor Adrian Hänni on the GRU's covert operations in Switzerland.Here is the link . . .
Graz, 18 March 2024 - Yesterday's event "Identitarians: New Right or Old Fanaticism?", organized by the Austrian Center for Intelligence, . . .
In a live interview on „ZDF heute“, Adrian Hänni commented on the latest investigative reporting about Havana syndrome and answered viewers' . . .
In an interview with Swiss Radio SRF, Adrian Hänni explains how Russia is currently expanding its global intelligence operations.Here to . . .
The Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies, in cooperation with SICHER LEBEN, invites you to a lecture & . . .
JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher was a guest at an event at the University of New Hampshire together with representatives from . . .
The IX. General Assembly of ACIPSS, will take place on November 27, 2023 at 5 pm at the Ludwig Boltzmann . . .
Director Paul Schliefsteiner was a guest on ORF III to talk about the Middle East conflict, Hamas and other terrorist . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed on ZIB about the released hostage video. See the Interview here: . . .
ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb was a guest at the World Summit 2023 of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichmann . . .
The Japanese newspaper "The Nikkei" has conducted an interview with the deputy director of ACIPSS on the intelligence dimension of . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was interviewed on 10.10.2023 on ORF III in the programme ORF III Aktuell on . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was interviewed by on 9.10.2023 on the difficult question of whether and how . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director, Dr Jeremy Stöhs, was a guest on ZIB at 9am on ORF 2 on 8.10.2023 and explained . . .
ACIPSS researcher Mag. Stefan Auer gave an interview on the topic of Fake News at Kanal3's City Talks. He outlines . . .
As part of the "Measures against Radicalisation and Polarisation" (MAGRUP), ACIPSS and SICHER LEBEN are organising a panel discussion on . . .
ACIPSS-researcher David Jaklin has published a guest commentary in austrian newspaper "Die Presse" on the topic "What's next for the . . .
ACIPSS researcher Adrian Hänni was a guest on the Swiss SRF programme "Club" on the topic of "Prigozhin, Putin and . . .
The Slovakian radio station RTV conducted an interview with Director Paul Schliefsteiner on 21.7.2023. (minute 16:45) . . .
Dear ACIPSS members and interested followers!Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We hereby cordially invite you to the 33rd ACIPSS Conference CONNECT . . .
The acknowledged expert Caspar Schliephack (MA) is an Islamic scholar and works as a consultant for the Islam Office in . . .
ACIPSS researcher David Christopher Jaklin has published an article in Die Presse Online on the Russian beheading video of an . . .
Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed by Puls24 and ServusTV about the arrest of an US miliary officer suspected of leaking classified . . .
ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb and Director Paul Schliefsteiner, together with Christoph Schiebel, have published an article on "Interrelation and Dynamics . . .
ACIPSS researcher Florian Hartleb has published a new article on right-wing extremism in the Russian neighbourhood, using Estonia as an . . .
2 years after the terrorist attack in Vienna: What do we know about how individuals become radicalized and what is . . .
ACIPSS in cooperation with LAND STEIERMARK, the UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ and SICHER LEBEN organizes a lecture and discussion evening on . . .
ACIPSS brings to your attention a special call for papers: The International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence is planning a . . .
On Sunday, February 5th, 2023, ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed on ServusTV in the Servus Nachrichten format . . .
JIPSS editor Dr Adrian Hänni was interviewed about the Chinese alleged spy balloon over the US as part of an . . .
ACIPSS member and JIPSS editor Dr Adrian Hänni has published a book on Swiss terrorist and later CIA agent Bruno . . .
JIPSS Advisory Board member Prof. Sven Gareis, together with colleagues, designed an issue of "Informationen zur Politischen Bildung" (IzPB) on . . .
On 17.1.2023 at 1 pm, ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher David Christopher Jaklin is invited by austrian radio station Ö1 in the . . .
As part of the International Inter-American Studies Lecture Series, Jeremy Stöhs will explore the Cuban Missile Crisis and discuss the . . .
Director Paul Schliefsteiner was interviewed on ORF's Wien Heute about the background to the arrest of a Russian spy in . . .
On 22 December 2022 at 1pm on austrian radio Ö1, ACIPSS researcher Thomas Riegler and JIPSS editor Dieter Bacher will . . .
On 06.12.22, Dr Florian Hartleb gave a lecture on extremism and democracy at the joint invitation of Club Alpbach Styria, . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director Jeremy Stöhs was interviewed in the Kleine Zeitung on Saturday, 10 December on the topic: How dangerous . . .
On December 6, 2022, at 6:30 pm Dr. Florian Hartleb, ACIPSS affiliated researcher, political scientist and radicalism expert, will give . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Stefan Auer gave a lecture on "FAKE-NEWS & DESINFORMATION: THE RIGHT WAY TO HANDLE FALSE MESSAGES" at . . .
Our ACIPSS member MMag. Dr. Markus Roschitz has received the Archduke Johann Research Award of the Province of Styria for . . .
In the magazine "Öffentliche Sicherheit" of the Ministry of the Interior (issue 11/12 2022) there is a report on the . . .
ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner was able to share his expertise with a broad audience at the specialist conference New Dimensions . . .
ACIPSS member and JIPSS editor Dr. Adrian Hänni was interviewed on 6 November 2022 on the ORF programme Sport am . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and intelligence expert Thomas Riegler was asked for his expertise in the context of an article in . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and intelligence expert Thomas Riegler has given his expertise on the state of the new Directorate for . . .
The new JIPSS Vol. 16 No. 1/2022 has been published! For a brief insight into the texts and topics of . . .
JIPSS editor Dr. Adrian Hänni was a guest on the SRF podcast "News Plus" on 26.10.2022 on the topic of . . .
ACIPSS Associated Researcher Aditi Malhotra is publishing her second book, Understanding Security Role Evolution of US, China and India: Setting . . .
ACIPSS associated researcher Aditi Malhotra takes up her post as Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Army Journal. Congratulations! More information here: . . .
ACIPSS Director Paul Schliefsteiner will give a lecture entitled ""Ich bin ein österreichischer Patriot und bekenne mich als österreichischer Terrorist" . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Thomas Riegler gave his expertise on the organisational challenges for the new Directorate for State Protection and . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher and JIPSS Editor Dieter Bacher of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegsfolgenforschung in Graz gave his expertise . . .
ACIPSS deputy director Dr. Jeremy Stöhs's expert opinion is quoted in an article in Austrian Newspaper "Standard": . . .
ACIPSS Deputy Director Dr Jeremy Stöhs was a guest on the ORF programme "Im Zentrum" on 2.10.2022 on the subject . . .
"In fact, Russia has maneuvered itself into a relationship of dependence on the Wagner Group and Prigozhin." writes ACIPSS Affiliate . . .
On 7 June 2022, a prevention summit was held in Vienna on the topic of preventing extremism and deradicalisation. ACIPSS . . .
On Friday, 23 September, an "ACIPSS Study Conference" was held for the third time at the FH Campus Wien - . . .
More than 400 researchers in the field of criminology gathered in Málaga, Spain, from 21 to 24 September 2022 for . . .
Dr Florian Hartleb, a recognised expert on the topic, writes about "Right-wing assassins: radicalised online and ready to kill" - . . .
ACIPSS member and ex-CIA officer Christopher Turner and Austrian intelligence expert Siegfried Beer made an appearance on two episodes of . . .
On Friday, 23.09., the time has come again: The 32nd ACIPSS Conference will take place in Vienna at the FH . . .
"Whoever may be behind it, the death of Dugin's daughter will bring a new argument for Russian operations at home . . .
„The recruiting network is so successful, that it is also being used by the Russian military.“ ACIPSS Affiliate Researcher David . . .
On 11 July ACIPSS deputy director Jeremy Stöhs and affiliated researches Cordula Simon and Stefan Auer met with Iryna Shatokhina, . . .
ACIPSS Affiliated Researcher Florian Hartleb was interviewed in a four-part documentary mini-series that deals with the Munich shooting, which took . . .
ACIPSS researcher Aditi Malhotra recently published a new book on India's security policy and its evolution over the past two . . .
Recently, Jeremy Stöhs shared his views at a workshop on Multi-Domain Operations and the opportunities and challenges they provide for . . .
The second part of ACIPSS-researcher Stefan Rastl’s article on the contribution of women in Intelligence Services and Special Forces since . . .
In the first of two articles on the ACIPSS Blog in Austrian newspaper derStandard, ACIPSS member and press officer Stefan . . .
There are numerous Russian spies and agents in Switzerland. What are they doing there? A current report of the Swiss . . .
Dr. Jeremy Stöhs joins the discussion on the current watershed moment in the post-Cold War security architecture and the need . . .
Prof. Siegfried Beer was a guest on the Ö1 broadcast series "Europajournal" on 10.6.2022 on the topic "EU-USA: An old . . .
ACIPSS researcher Dieter Bacher was interviewed on 3.6.2022 in the Krone.TV program "Nachgefragt" about the role of intelligence services in . . .
ACIPSS wants to heartily thank VASBÖ for the invitation to this year's security conference at the Americe House of the . . .
JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni was hosted by the podcast «Geschichte Daily» of the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and talked about . . .
In his newest article on ACIPSS Blog on Lucas Schubert is taking a closer look at the use of . . .
Deputy Director Jeremy Stöhs discusses the challenge of resetting for complex operations at scale for modern high-end armed forces at . . .
We are proud to present the first issue of the ACIPSS Pantier Report! Jack Gill writes about "Ukraine: From Hybrid . . .
ACIPSS-member Cordula Simon participated in a debate with other experts in "Talk im Hangar-7" on ServusTV (April 21st, 2022) about . . .
ACIPSS-researcher Florian Hartleb published a commentary in "Tagespost", based on an analysis by him and ACIPSS-director Paul Schliefsteiner in "Jahrbuch . . .
At the VASBÖ ISM Summit 2022 on May 20th, 2022, ACIPSS-researchers David Christopher Jaklin and Stefan Auer will present two . . .
An article in austrian newspaper "Standard" on russian espionage in Austria quotes ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler as expert: . . .
Prof. Siegfried Beer was one of the guests in a TV-discussion in the "Hangar 7" on ServusTV (March 17th 2022) . . .
In the online issue of "Profil" ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler talks about intelligence services in spotlight in the Ukraine-crisis: . . .
An analysis of the consequences of the Ukraine-crisis for the intelligence community and Austria prominently quotes Prof. Siegfried Beer: . . .
ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Goiser published a guest commentary in the "Wiener Zeitung" about "Advertising Values" at the EXPO 2022 in Dubai: . . .
ACIPSS-researcher Jack Gill published a new article together with Sebastian Schäffer in the "Fair Observer". They analyze the current crisis . . .
ACIPSS-researcher David Jaklin published a new guest commentary in "Die Presse" (Online) about "Civil Servants in Camouflage Uniform: Why the . . .
Director Paul Schliefsteiner speaks about "Modern Propaganda, on the example of a Terror Group" at the 2nd "Fachkonferenz Unternehmenssicherheit und . . .
ACIPSS-researchers Adrian Hänni and Thomas Riegler have edited two books together with Przemyslaw Gasztold (see below). The journal "Intelligence and . . .
In the yearbook Extremism and Democracy (2021) we published the article ‘Einzeltäter, radikal, potenziell labil und eigentlich „gar nicht mehr . . .
ACIPSS held the conference "Seeking Influence and Power along the Danube and across the Balkans" on September 17, 2021 in . . .
The Journal of the Austrian Bundesministerium Inneres (BMI) published a detailed report about the 31st ACIPSS Workshop on September 10th, . . .
Behind the dispute about a submarine treaty a much greater and more important security issue shows, says Jeremy Stöhs, expert . . .
ACIPSS-member David Christopher Jaklin published an user article in austrian newspaper "Standard" about the rise of the Private Military Companies . . .
The 31st ACIPSS workshop "Emotion(al) - Security and Feeling" starts on September 10th 2021 in the FH Campus Wien in . . .
Tomorrow Jeremy Stöhs talks about Naval Forces in a four-part ZDF Documentary. 02.09.2021 20:15 Kriegsschiffe: Stahlmonster 02.09.2021 21:00 Kriegsschiffe: Jäger . . .
What are the long term consequences of the War against Terror? Four online lectures organized by the Volkshochschule Zürich in . . .
The Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung(Berlin) are inviting selected guests to the conference "Seeking Influence and . . .
"The New Yorker" and "Kurier" quote Prof. Siegfried Beer in their articles about the "Havana-syndrome" affecting US embassy personel in . . .
On June 23rd 2021 the new book "A Frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria" by . . .
Rushhour for intelligence services: JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni talks with Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) about espionage and counter-measures around the . . .
The Rollout of our special issue of JIPSS „Seeking Influence and Power along the Danbue and the Balkans" will take . . .
Dr. Jeremy Stöhs and Dr. Henrik Breitenbauch (CMS Copenhagen) discuss the challenges for European naval power and what the future . . .
JIPSS-co-editor Jeremy Stöhs attended the Regional Security School 2021 last week (18.5.2021). There he presented his latest findings pertaining the . . .
75 years ago, on 25 May 1946, Switzerland and the western allies USA, Great Britain, and France concluded the Washington . . .
JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher holds a lecture at the Graz "Fine Crime Festival" (19.5.2021) about "Fiction vs. Reality - Wie . . .
The book “A frontline of Espionage. Studies on Hungarian Cold War Intelligence in Austria” (Budapest: Kronosz, 2021), edited by JIPSS-co-editor . . .
JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher holds a lecture today (27.4.2021) at the online-conference "Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955", organized by the CAGS . . .
While an italian navy officer was arrested as an presumed russian spy, submarines of NATO-partner Germany are suspected to be . . .
ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler published a guest commentary in austrian newspaper "Standard" about the reform of the austrian BVT to the . . .
ACIPSS-Member Christopher Bott published an article about Russia's Northern Fleet for the U.S. Naval Institute. . . .
The Navy-Podcast Midrats met with JIPSS-editor Jeremy Stöhs last week to discuss his article "How High? The Future of European . . .
For their article about the role of intelligence services and the founding of FPÖ-predecessor VdU, ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler and historian . . .
The new JIPSS Vol.14 No.1 has arrived from print and is ready for distribution!Orders under Our thanks to the . . .
A new study by ACIPSS-researcher Jeremy Stöhs about highend warfare and the european navies is available. . . .
Fitting their title story about the BVT-affair, Christa Zöchling interviewed Prof. Siegfried Beer in the "Profil-Podcast". . . .
In the late 1990, Switzerland was under pressure due to Holocaust money still residing in Swiss bank accounts. A hitherto . . .
Radio Ö1 "Mittagsjournal" held an interview with ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler on 25.1.2021 about background and possible developments in the BVT-affair. . . .
North Korean influence reaches to europe, especially to Vienna and Switzerland. JIPSS-Editors Prof. Patrick Sensburg and Adrian Hänni and ACIPSS-researcher . . .
The new issue of the Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies has been published! Disinformation and COVID in Austria . . .
JIPSS-editor Prof. Patrick Sensburg published a new article about the BND and the court rulings about the connected law in . . .
Prof. Oliver Rathkolb of the University of Vienna reviewed the article “Harvard und das Office of Strategic Services. Ein akademischer . . .
In the issue Vol. 14(2)/2020 of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), ACIPSS-researcher Johanna Fürst and other leading . . .
In the article "Shaping the European School of Intelligence Studies" by Wladyslaw Bulhak and Thomas Wegener Friis in the International . . .
The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs published a new article by ACIPSS-Researcher Dieter Bacher about the austrian . . .
ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler talks to Julia Schmidbaur from the Regionalmedien Austria (RMA) about the terrorist attack in Vienna and possible . . .
In an interview with, ACIPSS-Senior Advisor Prof. Siegfried Beer addresses his thoughts and warnings about the Austrian BVT-agency and . . .
After the horrible terrorist attack in Vienna yesterday evening, spoke with ACIPSS-resaercher Thomas Riegler about the situation in Austria. . . .
The radio show "Moment - Leben heute", editorially supervised by Andrea Hauer and Barbara Zeithammer, held interviews with some of . . .
ACIPSS-Reasearcher Thomas Riegler describes the fascinating spy story behind the movie "The Third Man" in his new article in the . . .
In the book Conceptualizing Maritime & Naval Strategy, Festschrift for Captain Peter M. Swartz, United States Navy (ret.) 1. edition 2020, (ISPK . . .
Asharq al-Awsat, seated in London, is one of the largest arabian daily newspapers and is printed all over the world. . . .
In September (tuesday september 22nd 2020) the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies was visiting the Haus der . . .
The television channel Al Arabiya from the United Arab Emirates held an interview with ACIPSS-Researcher Adrian Hänni concerning the suspected . . .
JIPSS co-editor Adrian Hänni, ACIPSS researcher Thomas Riegler and the Polnish historian Przemyslaw Gasztold present a new book containing groundbreaking . . .
The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) welcomed our naval expert Jeremy Stöhs to their Sea Control Podcast on September . . .
On 5 December, ACIPSS held two events on the topic of intelligence. During the morning, Dr. Christopher Nehring and Mag. . . .
On 5 December, ACIPSS organized two panels dedicated to human intelligence (HUMINT) and targeted killings, together with the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institut . . .
On the 8th of November, another event on the history of intelligence services was made possible in Vienna, thanks to . . .
“Österreichs Geheime Dienste” (Austria’s Secret Services) is the first source-based, historical account of the Austrian intelligence services since 1945. Rather . . .
JIPSS co-editor Dieter Bacher presented JIPSS at the Forschungsfest Niederösterreich (Research Festival of Lower Austria). The number of visitors to . . .
Adrian Hänni spricht im SRF zur Rolle der Schweiz in der Crypto-Affäre. . . .
On Friday, February 7, ACIPSS held its 30th conference in cooperation with the Department of Risk and Corporate Security Management . . .

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