ACIPSS wants to heartily thank VASBÖ for the invitation to this year’s security conference at the Americe House of the US Embassy in Vienna. We could listen to practical perspectives as well as multidisciplinary theoretical considerations to current topics in the fields of industrial espionage, worker protection, disinformation campaigns concerning COVID19 and the Russia/Ukraine-conflict and multiple analysis concerning the current media landscape and Fake News, Social Media and much more.
We could add our share to this successful event with the lectures given by our members David Christopher Jaklin (“Falsch- und Desinformation im Kontext hybrider Bedrohungen und sozialer Resilienz – Einflussnahme nationaler Akteure mit Blick auf die Corona-Pandemie und dem Krieg in der Ukraine” “Minformation and disinformation in the context of hybrid threats and social resilience – influence of national actors with focus on the Corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine”) and Stefan Auer (“Fake-News & Desinformation: Zum Umgang mit Falschmeldungen in der Praxis” “Fake-News and Disinformation: Handling wrong reports in practice”) and our participation in the discussion and our answers to multiple questions from the audience.
We are looking forward to meeting our old friends, new acquaintances and the excellent team of VASBÖ again.
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