Graz in conversation: Identitarian movement under the magnifying glass – From fanaticism to digital tactics

Graz, 18 March 2024 – Yesterday’s event “Identitarians: New Right or Old Fanaticism?”, organized by the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies (ACIPSS) in partnership with SICHER LEBEN and the University of Graz, offered deep insights into the evolution and methodology of the Identitarian movement. Led by Paul Schliefsteiner, Director of ACIPSS, and Jeremy Stöhs, Managing Director of SICHER LEBEN, the participants were involved in in-depth analysis and lively discussions.

Insights into the Identitarian movement

Andreas Peham, a recognized expert in the fields of right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism at the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW), provided a comprehensive presentation of the Identitarian movement. He shed light on the history of its origins and pointed to a shift in activities away from public disruptive actions and towards increased efforts in social media. Peham explained that earlier direct actions have been replaced by digital campaigns aimed at a broader public.

From aggressive rhetoric to ideological subtlety

Peham paid particular attention to the evolution of the movement’s communicative approaches. He showed how explicitly aggressive slogans such as “foreigners out” have been replaced by more nuanced concepts such as “remigration”, which is a euphemistic way of describing the return of people to their countries of origin. This change reflects a strategic adjustment in the communication of identitarian ideology, which aims to make its messages more socially acceptable.

Emphasizing the community over the individual

The core ideological message of the Identitarians, which Peham highlighted, emphasizes the prioritization of the community over the individual, followed by the call to devote oneself entirely to one’s own people and country. This view understands the country as a homogeneous entity and sees diversity and plurality as threats. This attitude promotes a closed view of society that stands in sharp contrast to democratic and pluralistic values.

Discussions with the audience

The subsequent panel discussion confirmed the high level of interest and engagement of the audience and underlined the importance of continued critical dialog.