Scholars in exile in the US – ACIPSS visiting the hdgoe with a presentation by Stefan Rastl

In September (tuesday september 22nd 2020) the Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies was visiting the Haus der Geschichte Österreich with a presentation.

ACIPSS-member Stefan Rastl talked about his research findings concerning the work of austrian scholars and scientists in exile, contributing to the reconstruction of Austria. One of the most prominent ones was Hans Kelsen, the creator of the Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (federal constitution) of 1920. In this context there were multiple contacts to the US-intelligence service OSS and its predecessors, for example with the “Biographical Records Project”. Rastl conducted his research in the last years at US archives, for example at Harvard University.

Foto: hdgö-Direktorin Monika Sommer with referent Stefan Rastl at the display of Hans Kelsen. (picture: ACIPSS)

Link to the newest research article of Stefan Rastl: