New article by ACIPSS-researcher Johanna Fürst and other leading experts on extremism published in the IJCV
In the issue Vol. 14(2)/2020 of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), ACIPSS-researcher
In the issue Vol. 14(2)/2020 of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV), ACIPSS-researcher
In the article “Shaping the European School of Intelligence Studies” by Wladyslaw Bulhak and Thomas
The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs published a new article by ACIPSS-Researcher
ACIPSS-researcher Thomas Riegler talks to Julia Schmidbaur from the Regionalmedien Austria (RMA) about the terrorist
In an interview with, ACIPSS-Senior Advisor Prof. Siegfried Beer addresses his thoughts and warnings
After the horrible terrorist attack in Vienna yesterday evening, spoke with ACIPSS-resaercher Thomas Riegler
The radio show “Moment – Leben heute”, editorially supervised by Andrea Hauer and Barbara Zeithammer,
ACIPSS-Reasearcher Thomas Riegler describes the fascinating spy story behind the movie “The Third Man” in
In the book Conceptualizing Maritime & Naval Strategy, Festschrift for Captain Peter M. Swartz, United
Asharq al-Awsat, seated in London, is one of the largest arabian daily newspapers and is