Patrick Sensburg
JIPSS Editor
After studying law and political science, Prof. Dr. Patrick Ernst Sensburg M.A. initially worked as a research assistant at the Chair for Public Law, Legal Rhetoric and Legal Philosophy at the Distance Learning University in Hagen. In the years 2000-2006 the author worked as a lawyer specializing in administrative law. From 2006 to 2008 he was a professor at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences and since 2008 he has been a professor of public law and European law at the University of Police and Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia. He has also been a guest professor at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies since 2017 and a guest professor at the University of Vienna since 2018. The author has been a member of the German Parliament since 2009, including Member of the Parliamentary Oversight Panel on the Intelligence Services.
The main areas of research are European security law and the law of intelligence services.